Hair grows everywhere on the external body except for mucous membranes and glabrous skin, such as that found on the soles of the hands, feet, and lips.
Hair follows a specific growth cycle with three distinct and concurrent phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. Each has specific characteristics that determine the length of the hair. All three occur simultaneously; one strand of hair may be in the anagen phase, while another is in the telogen phase.
The body has different types of hair, including vellus hair and androgenic hair, each with its own type of cellular construction. The different construction gives the hair unique characteristics, serving specific purposes, mainly warmth and protection.
Hair Function
Polar bears use their fur for warmth and while their skin is black, their transparent fur appears white and provides camouflage while hunting and serves as protection by hiding cubs in the snow.
While humans have developed clothing and other means of keeping warm, the hair found on the head serves as primary sources of heatinsulation and cooling (when sweat evaporates from soaked hair) as well as protection from ultra-violet radiation exposure. The function of hair in other locations is debated. Hats and coats are still required while doing outdoor activities in cold weather to prevent frostbite andhypothermia, but the hair on the human body does help to keep the internal temperature regulated. When the body is too cold, the arrector pilimuscles found attached to hair follicles stand up, causing the hair in these follicles to do the same. These hairs then form a heat-trapping layer above the epidermis. This process is formally called piloerection, derived from the Latin words 'pilus' ('hair') and 'erectio' ('stiffening'), but is more commonly known as 'having goose bumps' in humans.This is more effective in other mammals whose fur fluffs up to create air pockets between hairs that insulate the body from the cold. The opposite actions occur when the body is too warm; The arrector muscles make the hair lay flat on the skin which allows heat to leave.
While humans have developed clothing and other means of keeping warm, the hair found on the head serves as primary sources of heatinsulation and cooling (when sweat evaporates from soaked hair) as well as protection from ultra-violet radiation exposure. The function of hair in other locations is debated. Hats and coats are still required while doing outdoor activities in cold weather to prevent frostbite andhypothermia, but the hair on the human body does help to keep the internal temperature regulated. When the body is too cold, the arrector pilimuscles found attached to hair follicles stand up, causing the hair in these follicles to do the same. These hairs then form a heat-trapping layer above the epidermis. This process is formally called piloerection, derived from the Latin words 'pilus' ('hair') and 'erectio' ('stiffening'), but is more commonly known as 'having goose bumps' in humans.This is more effective in other mammals whose fur fluffs up to create air pockets between hairs that insulate the body from the cold. The opposite actions occur when the body is too warm; The arrector muscles make the hair lay flat on the skin which allows heat to leave.
Human hair may not compete with the painful spines of the porcupine, but much of the hair on the human body is suited to protect it. This natural armor cannot directly protect humans from potential predators, but it does help to keep the sense organs, such as the eyes, working properly.
Touch sense
Movements of hair shafts are detected by nerve receptors within the skin and by hair follicle receptors through displacement and vibration of hair shafts. Hairs can sense movements of air as well as touch by physical objects and are especially sensitive to the presence of insects. Some hairs, such as eyelashes, are especially sensitive to the presence of potentially harmful matter.
Eyelashes and eyebrows help to protect the eyes from dust, dirt, and sweat
Eyebrows and eyelashes
The eyebrows provide some protection to the eyes from dirt, sweat, and rain. More importantly, they play a key role in non-verbalcommunication.[14] In many other mammals they contain much longer, whisker-like hairs that act as tactile sensors.
The eyelash grows at the edges of the eyelid and protects the eye from dirt. The eyelash is to humans, camels, horses, ostriches etc., whatwhiskers are to cats; they are used to sense when dirt, dust, or any other potentially harmful object is too close to the eye.[15] The eye reflexively closes as a result of this sensation.
The eyebrows provide some protection to the eyes from dirt, sweat, and rain. More importantly, they play a key role in non-verbalcommunication.[14] In many other mammals they contain much longer, whisker-like hairs that act as tactile sensors.
The eyelash grows at the edges of the eyelid and protects the eye from dirt. The eyelash is to humans, camels, horses, ostriches etc., whatwhiskers are to cats; they are used to sense when dirt, dust, or any other potentially harmful object is too close to the eye.[15] The eye reflexively closes as a result of this sensation.
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